Introducing advanced filtering! Filter by dates, dropdowns, text, and more!
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Roadmap Items Included
Introducing Advanced Filtering! Now you can filter by any field type, including dates, text, and numbers. We’re making it easy to identify overdue tasks and see which large story point items are upcoming.
Change Log
- Advanced Filters
- We’re launching a huge update to filtering! Previously, you’d only be able to filter by single and multi-select dropdown fields but now you’ll be able to filter by text, dates, numbers, and more. There are also many additional operators that allow you to show exactly what is required for a view.
- Important note — the advanced filters only apply to views that are created after the launch of this feature. This means that new workbooks and new views will have advanced filter capability, not views you’ve already set up. Its very easy to add a new view in an existing workbook that already has your data, formatting, and comments, just click the “Add view” button in the bottom right corner of your workbook to get started with advanced filters!
- Read this knowledge base article to find out many more details:
Visor Filters: How to Show the Right Level of Detail
Each release may consist of multiple deployments. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Ready to try this in Visor?
Written by Dmitriy Redkin