12/23/21 Release

12/23/21 Release


Jira Resolution field, various quality of life improvements.

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Roadmap Items Included


We were feeling the holiday spirit a little extra this week and decided to drop a whole bundle of new functionality and fixes for you.

We’ve added support for the Jira Resolution field. You can now pull in Resolutions and update your Jira Issues with them in Visor.

The great saying goes: “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” But here at Visor, we love to challenge assumptions like that. This week we released a ton of fixes to improve the overall app experience. Things like cell messages, keyboard shortcuts, and the formatting menu all received some TLC.

We held a mini hackathon on 12/22 to fix as many bugs as possible in a short amount of time. Even cooler, we tracked our status using Visor! Below is just a small subset of the Issues that were fixed this week:

We hope you enjoy the latest release!

Change Log


  • Show cell messages sooner & make them feel more responsive - Previously it took a full second to show a comment or cell message after hovering over a cell. We’ve drastically reduced this time to make the messages feel snappier & more responsive, and make sure you see what you need to see as quickly as possible.
  • Add helpful orientation inside Formatting dialog - We’ve added some help text in the formatting dialog to let you know if you’re applying formatting without having any field formatting set up. We also made the preview text button ‘format Aa’ a lot more clickable and noticeable.
  • Settings / Integrations page overhaul - We’ve completely redone a few pages in the Settings section to make administrative tasks easier for you. The Integrations Page now shows colorful links to individual integration pages. We’ve also added helpful links to the sidebar to allow you to book an onboarding call, reach out to support, or see what’s new in the Knowledge Base. You can also rename a workspace on the Workspace Name tab.
  • Create Fallback Images for Integration Fields - When trying to reflect Jira Project avatars and a few other images in Visor, we occasionally get blocked and are unable to fetch them due to Jira’s security settings. We’ve added fallback images so you still get a clean experience even when the images can’t be loaded.
  • Make nesting triangle more prominent - We noticed it was difficult for some people to notice the triangle next to a nested record, so we made it larger and changed the color to make it pop out. We want to make sure everyone experiences the utility of nesting in Visor!


  • Updates to keyboard shortcuts to improve the overall application feel - We made some quality of life fixes around comments and cell navigation to make commenting feel a lot better.
  • Story Points and Assignee Copy/Pasting - We noticed a couple of issues with our copy/paste functionality as it related to Jira fields. The Story Points field was behaving strangely when copy/pasting and turning numbers into strings. The Assignee field would not allow copying blank values, so you couldn’t easily copy an entire column into another. These are patched and you can now copy/paste all Jira fields to your heart’s content.
  • Reset scroll position when switching views - Previously if you were scrolled near the bottom of one view and switched to another, you would end up in a state where no records were visible until you scrolled up.
  • Various other bug fixes - We released over 20 Pull Requests yesterday alone đŸ’„

Each release may consist of multiple deployments. If you have any questions, please contact us at support@visor.us.

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Written by Dmitriy Redkin