Instantly sync recently updated records, smoother chat support, and an improvement to the Timeline View to make your workflow more efficient.
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Instantly sync recently updated records, smoother chat support, and an improvement to the Timeline View to make your workflow more efficient.

Change Log
- 📝Made a recent edit to your project data in Visor? We’re making it easier for you to sync individual records. Hover over any of the yellow notifications and click “Sync Record” to keep your data as fresh as your last edit.
- 📘 A hint of blue to orient you. The View tabs at the bottom of your Workbook now have a blue highlight so you know what tab you’re currently in and which tab you’re mousing over.
- 🚀 Get ready for a smoother support experience. We zapped a small bug that made the "Chat with support" tab seem like it was still loading when you opened it. Now, when you open this tab, you can dive in and ask us questions without waiting.
- 🎨 You’ll also see a slight cosmetic improvement when updating your Workbook name. The “Save” and “Rename” text and icons will light up when you hover your mouse over them, making it crystal clear that both of these items are clickable.
- 🐛We squashed a pesky bug that made the description of your Timeline bars get cut off on the left. Now viewing the data on your Timeline View won’t be abbreviated.
- 🏎️ Faster editing access to individual records. Your Record Details Panel now opens faster, so you can dive into the details of your data even quicker.
- 🔍 Dropdown menu items are now wider to prevent the text from being cut off, making it easier for you to read.
Each release may consist of multiple deployments. If you have any questions, please contact us at
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Written by Dmitriy Redkin