2/28/22 Release

2/28/22 Release


New billing experience, new guidance flows, various bug fixes

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New Checkout Experience


We added a brand new checkout page to simplify the process of upgrading your Visor workspace. This page also puts in place necessary infrastructure for us to improve the all around billing experience in the future by making it easier to add things like Sync Credit packs, update your license information, and more.

Getting close to running out of sync credits this month? Take a look at our pricing page for info on purchasing a Sync Credit Booster Pack and make sure your team doesn’t miss a beat.

Create Items Guidance

Did you know you can create new Salesforce and HubSpot items directly from Visor? Soon you’ll even be able to create Jira Issues too!


We figured this functionality was a bit hidden and you might have needed an extra push to find it. So, we added some guidance to help you understand how creating from Visor works.

Hint: Start typing or create a new row in a workbook with a HubSpot or Salesforce connection and let the new guidance flows lead the way.

Change Log


  • Onboarding Loading Screen while an Integration Loads - After authorizing Visor to connect to an integration, there was a short period while we were processing the information about the external app where nothing would update in our interface. We’ve added some new loading states to make the process a bit more smooth & seamless.
  • Show a better error when a new field value appears that Visor doesn’t know about - Previously when a new field value for a dropdown in Visor came in from a sync we’d show a blank cell. We’ve added a brand new in-cell error to make it clear to users what actually happened and give them steps to resolve.
  • Sync Credit Warning & General Banner System - We’ve added a new top bar banner to let teams know when they’re running out of sync credits. This also gives us the ability to broadcast any scheduled maintenance or messaging that we’d like to give to our users.

Each release may consist of multiple deployments. If you have any questions, please contact us at support@visor.us.

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Written by Dmitriy Redkin