6/7/23 Release

6/7/23 Release


Users often create new fix versions, versions, and components in Jira and then import Issues with those values into Visor. This change alerts a user when we detect a cell with a missing value is being displayed. You can now refresh fields on a project-level instead of needing to update the entire workbook.

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Missing an option from your dropdown? Field not populating? Say less. You can now refresh fields on a project level instead of needing to update the entire workbook. Visor will alert you when a field needs to be updated.

Change Log


  • You will now see a cell error message will show when a value cannot be displayed due to needing a field refresh
  • Your field refresh can now happen on a singular project level even if there are multiple projects in the workbook (multiple projects in a workbook? You’re stoked about this. Trust us.)


  • A default is now set on custom imports when no other default has been set. Lose your custom query? We don’t think so. 😤

Each release may consist of multiple deployments. If you have any questions, please contact us at support@visor.us.

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Written by Dmitriy Redkin