2/9/22 Release

2/9/22 Release


New Integration Experience

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Visor is the World’s Most Connected Spreadsheet. Or at least, we’re on our way there! 🙂 As such, the connection and integration experience is a top priority.

This release (one of our biggest ever!) brings an entirely new way to manage your connections and integrations. We optimized the most critical actions you’ll need to take related to your connected apps to help you move as quickly as possible and with more peace of mind.


The new Integrations dashboard brings 6 new pages (each with their own set of new features) to help you better manage your connections.

Each page is listed here with its key features explained:

Action Items


The Action Items or overview page brings you contextual information and updates to help you maximize the value of your connection. Each item guides you to a relevant action so you can quickly figure out what’s going on in your workbook and take steps to resolve issues.

Sync & Import

Try clicking the purple question marks around the application for contextual information!

The Sync & Import page manages everything related to... you guessed it: syncing and importing. Aside from centralizing these actions into one place, the most useful new feature is probably default import filters.

Previously, you’d need to specify filters every time you wanted to perform an import. Now, you can set your default import filters once and pull in new records with one click from then on out.



The Fields page is where you can manage your connected fields. The new Field Utilization column lets you know how many of your records have a value for a given field, and you can easily add or remove connected fields with the button linked at the bottom of the page.



One of the most frustrating things about working with connected apps is that all apps don’t speak the same language! As soon as one character is out of place, the whole thing can go kaput. And even worse, most apps don’t report errors in a helpful way. This can make it nearly impossible to figure out what happened in the case of an error.

Luckily, our new Health page helps you quickly diagnose any issues with your workbook. Whether it be a record being deleted from your connected app, a field being removed unexpectedly, or a whole host of other issues, we’ll give you the information you need to get it resolved.



The Activity page brings you an audit of all connection related actions that happen in your workbook. Curious who has been all of those syncs? Or who imported a bunch of new data? Use the filters to drill down into recent actions.

If something went wrong in a given operation, the Show Details button will allow you to quickly jump to the health page to investigate.

Advanced Settings

As much as we try to abstract it for you, integrating with other applications will always be a messy game. You can think of reauthorizing your integration as something similar to “turning it off and turning it back on” for integration technology. You shouldn’t need it, but it can help resolve issues in certain edge cases.

The Advanced Settings page provides much easier access to Refreshing Fields and Reauthorizing your Integrations.

Added a new field since you set up the connection in Visor? Refresh your fields to quickly pull new fields into your workbook.
Need admin access for a connected app to bring in certain fields? Have your admin sign into Visor and reauthorize the connection. From that point on the Integration will have their permissions.

Change Log


  • Entirely New Flow For Adding / Working With Integrations - This release simplifies most actions related to importing, syncing, and managing connections. It provides easier access to the most important actions you’ll be taking within Visor. Each page described above provides brand new functionality that will unlock even more workflows for our community.
  • Saved Imports for one-click running - As mentioned above, you can now save Default Import Filters from the Sync & Import page that allow you to perform imports in a single click! This drastically speeds up the import flow as you no longer need to go through the process of filtering down which issues you want to bring in or going to fetch that complicated JQL script. Just set up your filters once, and pull in new Issues whenever you want.
  • Pull-only Syncs - We’ve another way to sync connected data with other apps for people who want to use Visor as more of a view only tool. One-way syncs will pull in data from another app without pushing any changes from Visor:
  • Y
    You can find the “Default Sync Options” section in the Sync & Import tab
  • Ability to see historic syncs & imports - The activity page gives you a record of any syncs, imports, pulls, or field refreshes that have happened on a particular connection. This is huge for people who want the ability to look back and see what’s been going on in their workbook, and who may have been making changes.
  • T
    Try changing the filters at the top to zero in on certain users and action types.
  • Aggregators - Shipping with this release are two new aggregators that help us provide access to things like recent activity, connection health, and more. These aggregators improve performance throughout the app because they provide a centralized place to fetch information, instead of having to recalculate again and again.
  • Future Additions - This release not only drops a metric ton of functionality, it also paves the way for future improvements to the app by implementing some of the technical hurdles. Things like scheduled syncing & importing are now much closer. With this feature you could set up your syncs + imports to run every 15 minutes, once per day, or however often you’d like! Another potential new feature that is enabled by this release is the ability to connect multiple apps together. Imagine having Asana tasks and Jira issues connected in the same column based on what data they have in common, like assignees or start + end dates.

This release represents tons of hard work from our team. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Each release may consist of multiple deployments. If you have any questions, please contact us at support@visor.us.

Ready to try this in Visor?

Go to Visor now.

Written by Dmitriy Redkin